Absolutely brilliant (no not really)...
You and I are spending... no, wait a minute... we're not spending, the Federal Mafia has stolen $1 Billion out of our pockets (and our kids pockets), and is giving it away to... to do what? To crush over 200,000 perfectly good automobiles, sell the scrap to China, and sucker people into buying an overpriced new car that will lose 70% of its value in a few short years. Absolutely brilliant, our government at work.
These folks haven't followed the Constitution for well over a century now, so why are states required to abide by their agreement to submit to the Federal Government's decrees? The Constitution is the document that holds this nation together, and it is wholly ignored. If I were the governor of a state, I would tell the Federal Government that until they start following the Constitution, and ALL their regulations are within Constitutional guidelines, we will be ignoring the Federal Government laws, and will not be giving a dime of our citizens' money in the form of income taxes or otherwise.
Maybe that'd wake them up.
These folks haven't followed the Constitution for well over a century now, so why are states required to abide by their agreement to submit to the Federal Government's decrees? The Constitution is the document that holds this nation together, and it is wholly ignored. If I were the governor of a state, I would tell the Federal Government that until they start following the Constitution, and ALL their regulations are within Constitutional guidelines, we will be ignoring the Federal Government laws, and will not be giving a dime of our citizens' money in the form of income taxes or otherwise.
Maybe that'd wake them up.
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